Please submit any comments or suggestions via the comments form on the Home Page.
Submit articles you would like to have posted to tedbock@hcaaonline.com Articles:
Excellent newsletter and the pictures are so clear and bright !Thanks for the GOOD job you do on it. From Jim Graham August 29, 2020. Thanks to Amy Jaggers for the article's below. She wrote Small Town Airport and Service Learning
Memoir for a college writing class and wanted
to share them with HCAA members. High Flight author John Gillespie Magee, Jr. Click on article's below to view . Comments about our website: David Stucker: Ted, while surfing the HCAA website, I noticed that no credit was given the author
of High Flight. So naturally, I scanned/stole a copy from the rear cover of the National Museum of the United States Air Force
Aircraft Brochure. Attached you will find a copy in PDF form. Credit, as well as the history of
the High Flight Sonnet, can now be listed. John Gillespie Magee, Jr. In December 1941, Pilot Officer John G. Magee, a 19 Year old American serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force in
England, was killed when his Spitfire collided with another airplane inside a cloud. Several months before
his death, he composed his immortal sonnet “High Flight, “a copy of which he fortunately mailed to his parents
in the U. S. A. Thank you very much for the information David. Pat Hurley: I flew in for your August
Picnic and want to say “thanks” for a great event…also ordered some pictures through the shutterfly option
and they were fantastic. Look forward to flying in again for the next one.
Todd: Great
website very cool pictures and great information. Great weather links. Vern: Like
the bottom of the stove: GRATE!!!!! Ernie: Happy New Year. Like the site. Might consider adding link for NOAA's aviation weather
site http://aviationweather.gov/ replacing or in addition to the current general http://www.noaa.gov/.
July 29, 2011 from Mike Oberther: What a wonderful photo presentation on the HCAA web site. I particularly enjoyed the hand-propping images of the red biplane. Great work! I've attached a shot I took right before the delicious dinner. We can't wait for the next get together! July 29, 2011 from
Jim Graham This is a fabulous website. Who is the webmaster that has so much talent?
Comment submitted February 19, 2012: You have a really nice web site. Good stories and many intersting things about your members and what they are doing in aviation related things. I like your archived links page, lots of interesting stories. Keep up the good work. Comment submitted by Wilma Winings June 12, 2012 Good photos
of the barn construction. They cut the serving window after I
left this afternoon. Really up to date photos. November 5, 2013 LOVE THE C150 ANIMATION
This is only the second event I have been able to attend under the new leadership
and I enjoy the fresh new enthusiasm in the air. The food Saturday was fantastic the fellowship was great and there were even a few pilots taking advantage of the $4.99 AvGas. Thanks to Ron, Tammy, John and everyone else that sets up, tears down, and all the other behind the scene heroes who get evolved with making these events great. Tim Vangundy April 19, 2014 September 14, 2014 Noland Elrod HCAA Scholarship Aviator Submitted by Dave Remondini Noland's CFI Hi, I am the CFI for Nolan Elrod, who received a
scholarship from HCAA last year. He
is doing well. After a hiatus this winter, he is back at it. He has completed all of his requirements except his long cross country and his written test. He has done well and I hope he finishes this fall. He started at Indiana State and is going after an Aviation Management degree. I thought you would like an update. December 19, 2014 Mark Mackenzie email: comments: HCAA is very fortunate to have a resource like Ted Bock to put together and maintain this web site. Love the Christmas party video. Thanks Ted for a wonderful job. October 1, 2015 Ted, The newsletter is spectacular! Hunter Heath
Suggestions: Michael Mossman, EAA Chapter 1311 website editor. On the home page of your website you have a nice mention of EAA Chapter 1311. Could you link to our chapter website http://www.eaa1311.org? We have had a link to your organization for years. Mark Smith: The site needs a road map
to the field. Suggest link with
mapquest or google. For fun, a not-for-nav sectional and low route would be nice. I will be driving to Lunch at the Arpt. The link should be a key button, not buried. Blue Skies! |